Each set of Bouquet Display will hold one bouquet or decoration. You will receive 1 Bouquet Display Clamp, 1 Universal Master Vit, 1 Rosemary Round Vit, and 1 Graceful Cradle Vit.
Please view the photo gallery for holiday ideas.
Item will ship USPS. Shipping will be added at check out. Please allow approximately 2 weeks for shipping. Faster shipping is available by adding Rush to your cart or Express at checkout.
Rosemary Round Vit holds fresh, tussie mussie, or wrapped flowers. 1.5" top ring, 1.25" center ring and 1" bottom ring. (bottom ring maybe removed by cutting it)
Universal Master Vit holds most plastic bouquet holder handles and other decor.
Graceful Cradle Vit holds large fresh or wrapped flowers. 3-1/2" inside diameter.
A built-in designer's hole for tying ribbon, wire or decorations.
Built-in hook for draping table linen.
Plastic screw to protect the table.
Guaranteed to hold up to 7 pounds.